Don't be Stuck Working a Job You Hate for the Next 3 Decades

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2022

Don't be Stuck Working a Job You Hate for the Next 3 Decades -

Are you tired of the 9-5 rate race, the tireless grind and mundane day-to-day repetition your Life has become? You’re not alone. More than 60% of People report feeling unhappy or disconnected at their day job. Either because they feel stuck, or due to their financial situation, or because they don’t see any other option. In fact, getting a “normal job” was what we were all taught to do, it’s the “normal” path. In fact, the entire school system is built to spit out 9-5 worker bees of people willing to climb the corporate ladder for their entire life. But you don’t have to go down this path… 

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of People out there who are entirely happy, and content at their job. I’m not knocking working a normal job, actually, you’ll need one in order to live, (and to start a Business). But there’s also a large...

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Everything You Need to know about NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens) Why I invested into them, and believe You should too!

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2021

Blog Post - Everything You Need to know about NFT’s 

(Non-Fungible Tokens) Why I invested into them, and believe you should too: 

You probably haven’t gone more than a week with out hearing the words “Crypto” or “NFT”. Whether it’s in the news, on the most popular social media platforms, or from friends or family bringing it up, it’s everywhere right now, and hard to get away from, like the sun on a blazing hot summer day. However there’s a lot, I mean A LOT of opportunity right now to make really great money with Crypto, and with buying & selling NFT’s. 

*Because there is so much upside & earnings potential, these investments do come with higher risk. So please never invest more money than you’re willing to lose when  investing into Crypto or NFT's.

Many of you out there may not quite “get” or really understand what an NFT is, where you find them, and how you make money with...

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How to Do an Amazon Test Launch/ Test Listing - Know the Product Will Sell!


If you aren't familiar with the selling on Amazon process, typically we find a product and validate it by looking at the data & numbers, and then we order between 200-1,000 units for sending into Amazon. But Test Listings/ Test Launches - can be such a valuable way to ensure your product will sell well, BEFORE you have to invest thousands, and thousands of dollars.

When should you consider doing a Test Launch/ Test Listing?  I Would recommend doing them on almost any new product you plan on launching. Amazon is constantly changing, whether new competitors come flooding in between when you find the product and can get it launched, or the Niche becomes really competitive, or the Market changes pushing your competitors revenues way down > Test Launches can help you with all of these. 

You can do a test listing and test launch similar to Helium 10 - Project X series by sending 10-20 units into Amazon.

The main...

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Why You Shouldn't Hire a PPC Agency, or PPC Ads Manager (Yet)

Uncategorized May 21, 2021

Should You Hire a PPC Agency, or PPC Ads Manager to Set-up & Run All Your PPC Campaigns for You?

In theory, the decision to outsource all your PPC campaigns sounds like a great one! Why not hire someone to set-up and manage all your PPC for you? It would free up so much time, and really be the easiest solution. Versus having to learn all about PPC yourself, and spend hours and hours trying to make some PPC magic happen! 

But after working with hundreds of different Sellers, products selling in all different kinds Categories, and after reviewing hundreds of seller accounts, & PPC campaigns; I have yet to see (1) time where the outsourcing of PPC (completely) to an automation software, or PPC agency, ever ended well. 

Usually they just do ok...  Or worse, they do a really bad job. 

One lovely day about a month ago or so, I was on a Coaching call helping someone to optimize His listing, boost the product's organic...

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Amazon FBA Inventory Limits Updates - 200 ASIN Limits Are Gone, But Restock Limits Still Present Challenges

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2021

Amazon FBA Inventory Changes and Updates

On April 22nd, Amazon Sent the following Email to FBA Sellers announcing some major changes to 'ASIN limits' and Account level storage limits.

Here was the Email from Amazon:

"In July 2020, we announced ASIN-level quantity limits for products that are stored in our fulfillment network. We made this change to ensure that we can receive and store products for all sellers who use FBA.

We’ve heard your feedback, and are continuously improving our policies and programs to better receive and store your products.

Effective April 22, 2021, all FBA products will no longer be subject to ASIN-level quantity limits. Instead, restock limits will be set at the storage-type level, offering you more flexibility in managing your shipments.

To review the restock limits and maximum shipment quantity, go to Inventory performance or Shipping Queue."


What Does This All Mean? 

Now - your restock limits are at the...

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Happy New Year! - Succeeding Selling On Amazon In 2021

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2021


I Hope Everyone had a Great New Year's Eve.

Here's to Making 2021 Your BEST Year Ever!

Going into 2021 and Selling on Amazon,

Here are some tips for being successful:

1. PRODUCT RESEARCH - Don’t get impatient during the product research phase - This is the most important step for a reason! You want to use a checklist, and really validate you have a good product and Niche.

DIFFERENTIATE. Solve a problem, and ADD VALUE.


Why should the customer choose my product over all the others?  Color or price is not enough...

*2 out of 10 launches if you try to sell the same exact product as everyone else = it works.

*8 out of 10 launches if you add value, differentiate, solve a problem = you’ll be successful


2. BEWARE OF HIGH JACKERS - A lot of Black Hat tactics and big Amazon Sellers out there. Try and find an up-and-coming Niche and product and get in there early.

a. Start ranking, getting reviews, building your Brand. Branding your...

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Weekly Amazon News and Updates

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2020

This Week's Amazon News & Updates:

1. Seller Central Shuts Down (Big-time):

Nov. 25th, 2020 - The technical issues stemmed from an outage at AWS (Amazon Web Services), which helps power many other websites in addition to its own.

The Amazon Seller Central board displayed the following message as of late Wednesday afternoon: “We are currently experiencing an issue that is impacting the ability to access all or parts of Seller Central. Our engineers are actively engaged in resolving this issue.” It was posted at 10:46 am Eastern.

According to Tech Crunch, companies impacted by the AWS outage include Adobe and Roku. “Amazon says the issue is largely localized to North America. The company didn’t give a reason for the outage, only that it was experiencing increased error rates and that it was working on a resolution.”

The publication linked to the Amazon AWS status board, which said the problem was due to an “issue affecting the Kinesis Data...

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